Does it get easier on month 2, once the first 31 deeds are under your belt? Yes and No.
The daily art practice of CreativeDeed365 spearheaded by art therapist Gretchen Miller continued though February and is headed into March. So here's a quick-e report on what February brought along.
28 days of #creativedeeds365 later, some contemplations:
Format/size changed to 3"x3" square format. They were cut from several over-sized pieces of old work (you know, from my recycle pile where other magical directives come-from). However, the paper was very flimsy and I ended-up adhering it to old torn-out book pages from altered books.
I once again worked from a 'batch' that covered each day of the month. These were pre-stamped with the date and their # as well as with the typed blip on what the creativedeeds are. This definitely made it easier to just grab the one for that day and get to it. Admittedly my schedule is still struggling to allow a seemingly "self-fish" act of art making per day. I can rationalize with myself that its for a purpose and that its benefiting me as well - win-win. But the time constraints are still very real. On those days I just don't find the time I make sure to catch-up within the next few days.
That wraps-up February and its 28 days of deeds.
The daily art practice of CreativeDeed365 spearheaded by art therapist Gretchen Miller continued though February and is headed into March. So here's a quick-e report on what February brought along.

Format/size changed to 3"x3" square format. They were cut from several over-sized pieces of old work (you know, from my recycle pile where other magical directives come-from). However, the paper was very flimsy and I ended-up adhering it to old torn-out book pages from altered books.
That wraps-up February and its 28 days of deeds.
Looking forwards to March, I'll be using the old library cards I blogged about in Murphy in the Art Space.
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