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Showing posts from June, 2016

The First Trimester: Changes in Imagery and Practices

Over the course of the past year I’ve gotten much advice. In fact I’d known this would happen, every ‘what to expect’ blog talks about it and how things will never be the same.  However, during the first trimester, I laid-low and attempted to keep the news to a select few. At this point it did not seem like much would change.  The lack of visible physical changes made it possible for a brief time for things to ‘seem’ business as usual on the surface.  On the inside, however, personal and professional practices were in flux. Conflicting emotions from happiness to guilt and anxiety were making their presence known. Was it the right time? Are we ready for this? What if I lose this one also, what then? Fears kept me from going social media public with the news and from making long term commitments. Only a core few knew early-on, as I would be needing their support in either scenario. The pregnancy would cause a ripple of changes from personal, to social/community, to career.  The inevi