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Showing posts from November, 2016

In the search for mindfulness: the "mindless" doodle

Art media properties have been a thing of fascination for me. In a brief chapter written many moons ago [ Lorenzo de la Peña, S. (2015). 2-Dimensional Materials. In D. Gussak & M. Rosal (Eds.), The Wiley-BlackwellHandbook of Art Therapy [E-book version]. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishers.] , I went into details on the various properties of art medias. That is something that I’ve built-on from my undergrad years as an art educator student and from sheer curiosity. In the last 4 or so years, that attention to detail and CURIOSITY, have become the main thread in my mindfulness groups. I work in forensic mental health. An often bleak environment with limited access to materials and rich in time. Boredom is the biggest complaint, right up there with lack of privacy and noise. The trifecta of negative behavioral expression. In spite of the recent explosive popularity of Mindfulness; I don’t have to screen those I serve to know that over 90% of them don’t know what mi