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Showing posts from July, 2015

2015 Conference Mini-Book

In 2013 I decided to create a mini fold-out book to document 13 days of travel (from the July 4th holiday through conference and back). The experience was fantastic (that was pre-blogging days) and so the following year I decided to repeat the project. In 2014 July/Travel Journal 2014 documenting the 2014 AATA Conference in San Antonio. So of course this year I had to do it again! New city (Minneapolis), new book. I’ve been swamped at every turn as of late so instead of making my own book I used one made/gifted to me by a very talented past intern. The book itself a work of art with hand-made pages, cloth pages, cardboard sections, pockets, the works. The book became my memory-saver. Lecture and workshop notes, contacts, keepsakes, it all went in there. It was the repository of stray thoughts and tasty eats, as well as sketches and future plans. See you at next years...