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Showing posts from December, 2013

Tapered Fall/Winter Musings

A Leaf on the Wind - Tissue paper, Fall leaves, Sharpie My musings have been tapering-off for a while now. A slow drain and depletion of my usual spontaneity. I’ve found myself explaining to others and myself that “I just don’t have the time I used to”...”this week has been busy”...”maybe next week?” ... “or the next”... The excuses are piling-up and so too are the stashes of ideas. Lets get one thing down, just because I have been unable to work on any one given thing for any length of time does not mean that my “warehouse” is empty. Oh, far from it. With all the work and life stresses I still ‘think’ in pictures. So, as things go when they don’t GO the way we are used-to. I now find myself compensating for my recent lack of habitual visual expression by squirreling away idea stashes. A pressed leaf, a meticulously emptied and unfolded tea bag [quite reminiscent of the mantle of turin], word clippings, and half a vespa. The stashes are everywhere. Journals and book