In the last post [ Murphy in the Art Space ] I mentioned taking-on a daily art practice called CreativeDeed365 spearheaded by non other than the awesome Gretchen Miller . Well, it is now a few days into February and I will report that (much to my own surprise) I'm still very much in this game. I wanted to commemorate the first 31 days (January) with a reflective post and maybe even 1x per month for the rest of 2015 (but who knows what the future will bring -- hopefully more ART!). My Plan (in review) for #creativedeed365 After a month of daily art making I am happy to report that I have done & stuck to what I said I would do. It worked! Here's a breakdown: Stick to a small format - playing card or ATC sized January cards were 2.5x3.5 ATC cards I had made for another project were now gathering dust & cluttering my art space. Mentally and physically they needed to be given a new purpose -- a new home. Use older pieces of art first/ re-purposed whenever
Symbolic Projections is a place to express those musings that generally remain hidden in journals. It is a place of processing, a place of reflection. I am an art therapist and this is yet another exploration. Stretching beyond my comfort zone and reaching out through social media, by means of images and words.